Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Experiencing ourselves to death

Book Report

The Enrichment Economy is provocative book - Pine and Gilmour are very big on experience providers reducing sacrifice - for instance, a customer will have a better experience if their preferred beverage is available on a flight - so they don't have to substitute. As the reader is walked through several examples of this scale of ameliorization, and enhanced Rainforest Cafe-type Experiences in the book, you cant help feeling sick to your stomach. The fulfillment of petty desires is not actually desirable, let alone noble. These Disneyesque experience architects have alot to answer for. Responsible for sucking real wealth out of the country and depotentiating the nation.
The author doesn't explain why people pay to have limiting experiences - adventure holidays, family camping, religious retreats. He might want to renovate his theory to accommodate this, but perhaps it is more than a cosmetic issue - maybe it's an Achilles heel. The experience economy maximizes pleasure volume, and averts the customer from sacrifice. What about meaningful sacrifice?

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